Join our journey to protect our planet

At Earth Puzzle, we understand that the challenges facing our environment require urgent and concerted efforts. From climate change and habitat destruction to pollution and species extinction, the threats to our planet are manifold and interconnected. However, we also believe that every individual has the potential to make a difference, no matter how small their actions may seem.

Through innovative projects, educational initiatives, and collaborative campaigns, we strive to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices in our communities. Whether it's organizing beach clean-ups, tree planting drives, or advocating for renewable energy solutions, we are dedicated to creating positive change from the grassroots up.

But our work goes beyond mere activism; it's about cultivating a deep sense of connection and responsibility towards nature. By fostering empathy and appreciation for the natural world, we hope to inspire a generation of changemakers who are not only aware of the environmental challenges we face but are also empowered to take meaningful action to address them.

Join us in our journey to protect and preserve our planet. Together, we can solve the Earth Puzzle and create a more sustainable and harmonious future for all.

who are we

Our organization is a dynamic and passionate non-profit founded by high school students dedicated to making a tangible difference in environmental conservation and sustainability. We are committed to fostering a greener, healthier planet through education, advocacy, and direct action.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and empower young people and the broader community to take proactive steps towards environmental stewardship. By promoting sustainable practices, advocating for environmental policies, and engaging in hands-on conservation activities, we aim to create a positive impact on our planet.

our Vision

We envision a world where every individual, community, and organization is actively involved in protecting and preserving the environment. Our goal is to build a future where sustainable living is the norm, and young people are at the forefront of environmental advocacy.

Core Values

Youth Empowerment: We believe in the power of young people to drive change and lead the way in environmental conservation efforts.

Sustainability: We are committed to promoting practices and policies that ensure the long-term health and viability of our planet.

Community Engagement: We strive to involve and collaborate with local communities, schools, and businesses in our initiatives.

Education and Awareness: We prioritize education as a tool to raise awareness and inspire action towards environmental protection.

Innovation: We encourage innovative solutions and approaches to address environmental challenges.